Zhalar Soulsong


Outgoing, cheerful and optimistic! He tends to be openly affectionate with most people, quick to offer words of encouragement or be a sympathetic ear with a surprising depth of wisdom if someone needs to talk out some problems. He enjoys the finer things in life and takes time to appreciate the world around him and find joy in it while he tries to share that joy with others. Kind and generous of heart, he can be serious when needed and a fierce ally on the field of battle when merited. There are few people who truly stir his ire, and even that he can manage to mask behind velvet smiles which sheath the sharp steel wit and implacable strength lying beneath.Standing at four ilms over six fulms, he has a muscular, athletic figure. Swarthy of complexion, his brilliant aquamarine eyes stand out against the dark bronze of his skin. Deep set beneath ebon brows and framed with sooty lashes that would make any woman jealous, his eyes appear almost sleepy in a satiated manner. A hawk's beak of a nose is set above a wide mouth that is often curved into an irreverent grin. A neatly trimmed goatee adorns his chin. His glossy raven black hair is meticulously groomed. It is difficult to place his age. Clearly he is no callow youth and silver shines amidst the darkness of his hair. Crows feet fan out from the corners of his eyes and laugh lines bracket his mouth. At a guess, he is likely in his forties. Long-fingered hands appear strong and supple yet lacking the calluses of a warrior. With lean hips and powerful legs, he moves with the natural grace of a dancer.When he speaks it is in a cultured, lyric baritone that is flavored with an exotic accent. His words have an almost sing-song cadence and diction with staccato consonants and elongated vowels.When close, one can smell a spicy fragrance that combines tobacco with refined base notes of cardamom, ginger, cedarwood, and citrus lingering about the man. It is not overpowering and only noticeable to those within very close proximity or with an exceptional sense of smell.

RP Hooks

Zhalar works as a healer and perhaps your character has encountered him somewhere along the way and been healed by him? Although he's settled down somewhat, he's not entirely given up the life of an adventurer, and there's still plenty of opportunities to encounter him in any number of places!He’s a member of the Immortal Flames but has honorably resigned his commission as a Flame Captain Chirurgeon. Maybe your character also serves in that Grand Company? Maybe your character serves in a rival Grand Company? Need him to come back onto active duty for some reason?He owns the Joyful House of Healing Clinic and Spa in his home in the Goblet (Ward 24, Plot 5) where he runs open office hours weekly and sees patients by appointment when available. The spa is open to visitors at any time. He still occasionally does rounds at his husband's Quaint Clinic over Lavender Beds (Ward 30, Plot 27). Most people probably know him as the Co-Owner of The Rainbow Room; the friendly neighborhood bar with a rainbow twist! (Mateus, Empyrerum, Ward 17, Plot 22)He is an alchemist who also enjoys gardening, growing many of his own herbs used in alchemy and also gathering them in the wilds when needed. He makes many of his own medicines, his own cologne and soaps, and, more rarely, upon commission will make small batches of custom soaps, perfume, or cologne for paying clients.The domakin fish following Zhalar around is completely IC! That little fish has a mind of his own and frequently gets in people’s personal space and faces. Feel free to RP that the fish is bothering your character in some way and I’m happy to roll with it. It has a soul stealing stare and just might indeed be trying to do so...I’m not opposed to bad outcomes for Zhalar. Loss and adversity are a part of character development. However, I’m not going to kill him off nor have him permanently maimed or disfigured WITHOUT OOC discussion and consent before the fact.If I don’t immediately respond to your attempt at RP, please send a tell. I might be tabbed out or AFK probably working on art or with family aggro. My apologies!


I prefer long term RP with good story development. However, more casual RP is also greatly appreciated. Ultimately, though, my RP goals are long term RP relationships (be they friendships or more) between characters who interact with Zhalar.I tend to be a bit of a rapid fire poster in game rather than posting several long paragraphs at a time. However, I can do paragraph posts and will in more private settings, especially in party chat, tells, or Discord (I don’t like to spam multiple RP paragraphs in public RP hubs because I think it’s rude to make everyone’s chat scroll). I think some of the best RP I’ve had with others has been through incorporating game play into our RP (i.e. being IC while questing together or running a dungeon/raid/battleground together) or having adventure elements as part of our combined story.I mostly enjoy adventure, comedy, slice of life, action, mystery, intrigue, character development, mature, and romance RP. Sometimes dark/horror themes can be a lot of fun too, though Zhalar tends to try to bring a sense of levity with him wherever he goes. I don’t want a steady diet of horror role play for him, though.While I am somewhat new to FFXIV and I’ve learned a lot of the game lore, I am not at all new to role playing. I’ve played Dungeons & Dragons tabletop for over 30 years, I went through all the various avenues of online role playing chat rooms, I’ve role played (and still role play occasionally) on MUDs and MUXes, and I’m a 14 year veteran of World of Warcraft role play. I started FFXIV in February 2019 and I have played through Endwalker MSQ and the current patch content. I just haven’t done every single side quest in the whole game to learn all the nitty gritty details. If I make lore errors, please gently correct me.Zhalar is a character I’ve role played for years (decades) in a variety of different campaign settings. I am very familiar with and comfortable with his personality and mannerisms. I make various tweaks here and there and then I can insert him into a new world! My role play of him as an amnesiac IC is how I compensate for my lack of OOC knowledge about the world and also how I fit him/transfer him into different world/campaign settings.

I’m on Central Time (GMT -6). Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons I stream art on Twitch from 2-4 PM Central Time (Chicago, USA). Catch my Friday afternoon streams and you might win some art! Approximately every other Saturday night or so I play Pathfinder online with friends. And of course, the first through fourth Sunday nights I'm working at The Rainbow Room. Monday and Friday nights I am usually hanging out with one of my besties and other friends in FFXIV. There's pretty much no shortage of places to meet Zhalar, though this is just to give you an idea of how and where my time is dedicated. However, I otherwise tend to have a very flexible schedule!I have a family. My family takes priority over gaming. While I do love gaming quite a lot and it is my primary hobby, I still have a family to take care of with a special needs child. If I AFK suddenly/stop responding, I’m not ghosting you, I’ve just had to go take care of a family matter. Please be understanding of this and don’t throw a snit at me. We’re all supposed to be mature adults here.I am a liberal, intersectional feminist who believes Black Lives Matter, Love is Love, Trans Lives Matter, and Equality should be the law of the land. If you don't hold these values or at the very least you can't respect these values, then kindly see yourself elsewhere. I will not tolerate bigotry of any kind.Feel free to say hello to me any time and if I'm around I'll rawr back at you! I might be tabbed out of game working on art. My Discord ID is available upon request.


I am a professional artist. Looking for some art of your character? Take a look at my commission information here at Sojourn Studio!


If you've made it here, I'm going to hopefully assume you are 18 years of age or older. If not, shoo! You don't belong here!Being a middle aged man, Zhalar tends to prefer men in his own age bracket or thereabouts. He's not a chicken hawk. 18 through 20 something young fellows probably don't have much of a chance with him, though there is always the possibility of the "May-December" relationship. Zhalar is a romantic at heart, but he can also separate men he just meets for a good time from those he's involved in more committed relationships. But randomly meeting someone who appears to be half his age would not likely result in sexy fun times.Zhalar does have two husbands and for the most part he is a pretty well settled down and happily married man, with a third side piece he's had for a few years, too. While he's in an open relationship with all his partners, please don't think that he's going to leave any of them nor that he'll ever become monogamous. I keep in touch OOC through various means with my RP partners. There aren't any secrets about what is happening in Zhalar's life and any new attachments that he might be developing need to be discussed with my other RP partners and consented to by them as well.Zhalar has a preference for conventionally masculine men. Sometimes he might be attracted to a more effeminate character if there's some role play to lead up to it, but for the most part, he tends to go for the manly men. He is a versatile man and happy fulfilling either top or bottom role. And yes, transmen ARE men.Yes, I have an F-List for Zhalar. Feel free to ask me to see it. Yes, I have adult content of Zhalar. Again, you're welcome to contact me on Discord if you'd like to see that, too. However, just be aware that I will ask who you are in game and that you're at least 18 years old or older and I'll screenshot your answers for my own protection.OOC, again, for those in the back who didn't hear it the first time, I am NOT looking for anything other than RP and OOC friendship. I'm glad to be your friend and role play partner, but OOC we are NEVER going to have an OOC romantic relationship. Just get that thought out of your head. I will, however, be the fiercest of friends to those who do earn my trust and friendship. As the old saying goes, for some people, I'd help bury a body. Please don't ask to sext with me. Please don't ask for nudes nor send me your nudes. I don't want to know the state of your pink bits in real life. I engage in adult role play for fun and creativity and NOT because I'm looking for real life encounters. Keep it to yourself!Moon runes? Yep, I got them. Might even share them via Discord.